Surface-level solutions? Cookie-cutter talk? There’s none of that here
So much of traditional self-development and therapy ends on a cliffhanger. Rather than going deeper, you’re given just a small peek into what’s going on. And where does that lead? Nowhere.
From start to finish, my aim is to help you create growth and success in your life by giving you cognitive, emotional, systemic, embodied, and spiritual tools to look deep within.
Instead, here’s is how we start
If you decide to work with me 1-1 we will design a customised leadership coaching package tailored to your challenges and goals.
The ability to feel good and create a life and career you are proud of is impacted by the amount of energy you have
It starts with understanding what managing your personal energy truly is. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burned out is only a symptom of a much deeper problem. If you don’t get to the underlying cause, then you’ll never find a lasting solution.
At NPOWER, we combine the following modalities to help you create sustainable change:
- Somatic Release Techniques
- Neuroscience Based Modalities
- Emotional Intelligence
- Experiential Learning
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques
- Conflict Management
- Breathwork
- Leadership Development
- Holistic Wellness
- Personal Growth
- Behavioral Science
- Positive Psychology
- Hypnotherapy
You will never need to search outside yourself again for the answers because you will have the tools and strategies you need plus a network of world-changing women that are on a similar journey.
My holistic energy leadership method touches upon mind, body, heart and spirit in order to create long lasting results, habits and tools you can use the rest of your life

The thoughts we think daily impact what you do and how you do it. Most of our thoughts are not TRUTH, but unconscious and primarily negative.
Through cognitive based practices you’ll learn how to start rewriting your story
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious. These are all signs from your body trying to tell you something. Well create a relationship with your body so that you learn how to regulate those emotions that keep you feeling stuck in unhealthy stress cycles
If we peel off the layers and bring you back to your essence can you hear your intuition? We are all born with intuitive gifts. Harnessing these strengthens your self-leadership. Allowing you to make not only rational choices what you think you should do, but what you long for.
To lead with your heart means leading with compassion and love. But above all have the courage to build a life and career from your truth and authenticity. To lead with impact in all your areas in life.
-The worst thing you could do to yourself is not become the person you could be-
How would you like to work? That’s up to you

Personal coaching
For those of you who want the utmost focus and time with me – you’ll receive lasting tools to create the transformation you’ve been looking for, gain clarity and direction by listening to your intuition, enhancing your leadership and emotional intelligence all while securing the knowledge and intuitive strength you need to stay on track.
Group coaching
Thrive with others? Join intimate group coaching sessions for female entrepreneurs and professionals. Access online learning modules, group coaching, and support from a beautiful community of inspiring women and leaders
Smaller programs
Nothing keeps life fresh like new surprises. That’s why every now and then I host smaller one-off workshops of different themes for those looking to leverage their skills and strengths in a flexible way. Be the first to know when they’re happening by joining my newsletter.